Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tabas Scandal

Tabas Scandal

In the early hours of April 25, 1980, a commando of 90 American special forces aboard six C-130 cargo planes and eight helicopters violated the airspace of the Islamic Republic of Iran to try to free their agents who were spying for the government under diplomatic cover.

Hundreds of pages of documents released later showed that America had turned its embassy in Tehran into a centre for spying against the Islamic Revolution.

The embassy was then described as den of espionage by the Iranian people.

The helicopters had been due to land close to the America's embassy, but the operation turned into a disaster when the desert rendezvous point -- near the city of Tabas some 400 kilometers (250 miles) southeast of Tehran -- was whipped by a miraculous sandstorm.

The operation, dubbed by US as Eagle Claw, resulted in the deaths of eight American servicemen and was quickly abandoned. Its failure also contributed to the subsequent election defeat of then American president Jimmy Carter.

The event of Tabas can reveal God’s grandeur and the aids from the World Unseen to people so that it would be a lesson to the next generations.

The event of Tabas is the most terrible scandal on the field of unsuccessful American threats against the Islamic Revolution of Iran.

This event which was ended by the Americans defeat, is certainly considered as one of the greatest miracles of the century, because America started his attack aiming at destroying the Islamic Republic of Iran and Islamic Revolution.

It used all of her energy and used all of the most sensitive and the most sophisticated military equipment along with the complete facilities and the coordination of all of the forces (inside and outside).

This country adhered to an excuse, which was about the freedom of the American spies who were in Iran.

The officials of the White House and the Pentagon thought the operations would be successful for as they would consider no factor for interrupting the process.

However, since God has always been keeping the nation and her revolution, there was a case realization of his aids from the World Unseen in Tabas event so that it would be a solid proof for the tyrannical figures, to believe when God wants to do something it will surely happen.

US meteorological center had kept Iran’s climatic atmosphere to ensure the secure landing in Tabas. Since that night was marked with the beautiful moonlight, no one would expect any drastic change in the weather, or occurrence of any storm.

According to the available documents and reports and essays on the issue, America had used the then latest military facilities and techniques. U.S. Congress had devoted a lot of money to the project.

The helicopters, which were to be used for setting the American spies free, were the best of all kinds.

The night of the operation was marked with the moonlight, which would mean no sign of winds and storm. Furthermore, according to American weather forecast, there should not have been the case of storm.

The sandstorm however occurred unlike all expectations to prove God is watching over the affairs of the Islamic nation.

The late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini said following the disastrous incident that the sandstorm was commissioned by God.


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