Saturday, December 24, 2011

Withdrawal from Iraq, another defeat for US

Withdrawal from Iraq, another defeat for US
12/23/2011 3:46:24 PM

Tehran's Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati termed US troops exit from Iraq another defeat for Washington, calling for complete withdrawal of the US troops from the entire region.

“US occupied Iraq at the cost of killing several million Iraqis but was defeated by the people, it is forced to leave the region,” said Ayatollah Jannati in his sermon to large group of worshippers in Tehran University campus.

Nearly nine years after American troops stormed across Iraq's border in a blaze of shock, US officials quietly ended the bloody and bitterly divisive conflict in Iraq on Thursday, but the debate over whether it was worth the cost in money and lives is yet unanswered.

More than 4,500 Americans and more than 100,000 Iraqis killed. Another 32,000 American and more than tens of thousands of Iraqis have been wounded and the war cost US billions of dollars.

Elsewhere in his address, he noted that Iranian people’s turnout on 9th of Iranian month of Day (December 30) in 2009 proved that people's faith in Islamic Revolution protects it from any internal and outside sedition.

Ayatollah Jannati thanked the government for adopting various programs in the education sector as well as the successful execution of the targeted subsidies plan.

On December 30, 2009, millions of people took to the streets of Tehran and other Iranian cities and towns to show their anger over sacrilegious acts committed on Ashura day (December 27, 2009) in the follow-up to the post-election unrest.

The massive rallies against the post-election seditious movements came to be known as the 9th of Day demonstrations.

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