Saturday, May 14, 2011

Iranians advocate Wilaya-te Faqih

Iranians advocate Wilaya-te Faqih
5/13/2011 5:05:20 PM

Iranian people are ready to lay their lives in the path of Koranic merits and values, Interim Friday prayers leader of Tehran Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati said.

Ayatollah Jannati was speaking to a large congregation of worshippers in Tehran university campus Friday.

He said the land of Iran has been enjoying the fruits of Wilaya-te Faqih (the supportive rule of a devout, sagacious and smart Alim over the national affairs) and for the same reason, people advocate the doctrine of Wilaya-te Faqih and support the Alim who embodies such characters.

The Friday prayers leader said enemies of Iran have received a slap from the doctrine as it has prevented them from reaching their malicious goals.

Jannati noted that under Wilaya-te Faqih, state bodies run their own affairs in compliance with the Constitution while the Wali-e Faqih (the devout Alim) keeps a watch over their performance to ensure they keep inline with the Constitutional standards.

"Wali-e Faqih will intervene whenever something improper is going to take place or takes place," he added.

Jannati noted that Wali-e Faqih follows the line of Constitution and the Holy Koran and that as long as Wilaya-te Faqih rules the country, the nation would not face any dead-end.

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